Rasmus Flindt Pedersen
Rasmus Flindt Pedersen (40) is a Danish photojournalist, documentary filmmaker and father of two with 10+ years of experience documenting the world around him. He has won several awards for his work and has had his images exhibited in places like New York, Tokyo, Paris and Copenhagen to name a few.
His work in the worlds hotspots has focused more on depicting the everyday struggle of civilians trapped in the war zones than on the actual fighting.
It’s not that the dramatic photos of combat isn’t important to him it’s just that he findes struggle of regular people much more impactful.
Rasmus’ latest war assignment brought him to Ukraine to document the initial phases of the Russian invasion at the beginning of the year.
During the summer Rasmus has spent more time home to focus on his family and the birth of his second son before he’ll start work on a documentary film project early next year.
- Pompei Street Festival (Pompei)
- 22-23-24 Settembre 2022, ore 10:00

Descrizioni delle foto
1 – Heavy fighting had broken out near 12 year-old Nada Ajyah’s home in the strategically important harbor city Hodeida in the northern part of Yemen. Nada’s family was trying to escape in their car when they hit the roadside bomb that killed the young girl.
Pesanti combattimenti erano scoppiati vicino alla casa della dodicenne Nada Ajyah nella città portuale strategicamente importante di Hodeida, nella parte settentrionale dello Yemen. La famiglia di Nada stava cercando di scappare con la loro auto quando hanno colpito la bomba sul ciglio della strada che ha ucciso la ragazza.
Yemen civil war, 2018
2 – Doctors fighting to save the life of a young girl by the light of a mobile phone torch at a field hospital on the outskirts of Mosul. The young girl was struck by an ISIS mortar while playing with her friends in the street outside their homes. Unfortunately, the girl didn’t survive.
Medici lottano per salvare la vita di una giovane ragazza, alla luce di una torcia di un cellulare in un ospedale da campo alla periferia di Mosul. La giovane è stata colpita da un mortaio dell’Isis mentre giocava con i suoi amici, per strada davanti alle loro case. Sfortunatamente, la ragazza non è sopravvissuta.
Liberation of Mosul, Iraq 2017